Archive for the ‘gratitude’ Category

The Prayer of Habakkuk

  • In what ways COVID-19 has impacted the local economy and even spiritual life negatively?
  • What do we learn from Habakkuk in such challenging times and how do we apply these lessons to our individual and collective lives?
  • Joy must characterize the life of a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. If there is no joy in your daily life, please watch as there is certainly a spiritual leak. Ask yourself these diagnostic questions: Am I complaining often? Do I have the tendency to blame others for almost everything? Do I talk to myself negatively? Do I dwell in my past successes or failures? Do I resist to change? Do I want to please everybody (which by way is am impossible task)? Do I doubt God’s wonderful plan for my life? Do I neglect my Bible study, church attendance, and prayer life? I am hiding to commit sin or life my life like an ungodly person without a respectful fear of God? Am I jealous? Am I envious? Am I afraid of what will happen to me given my current life circumstances? Bring these issues to the Lord in prayer and your will enjoy His peace and joy.
  • Prof. Moussa Bongoyok

The prayer life of Daniel: lessons for a victorious Christian life today

« It is our  Heavenly Father who pilots our lives. Despite the turbulences of life, everything will be fine. »Moussa Bongoyok

Va va na a Bi nga – Let us give to our Lord – Donnons à notre Seigneur

Dimèsh m’vi skway a Zhiklè a ganzavar Mafahay, a n’gècè ndalinga. Chant d’offrande accompagné de la harpe Mafa et au rythme de la danse ndalinga. Offering song accompanied by the Mafa harp and to the rhythm of the ndalinga dance.

Eternel des Armées à toi toute la gloire!

Andragogie pour la cohabitation pacifique et developpement holistique -5e Conference internationale des leaders *** Andragogy for Pacific Cohabitation and Holistic Development – 5th International Conference of leaders

Report from the 5th International Conference on Andragogy for Peaceful Cohabitation and Holistic Development in Cameroon


Pasteur René DAIDANSO

Adoration sincère – Alain Moloto

Un couple au service du Seigneur…

Adieu papa –Poème en hommage au papa Bongoyok Djengai


Notre père, Bongoyok Djengai, a été promu en gloire le 7 Avril 2017  à Maroua des suites d’une courte maladie.

Rochers de Mbouzao, lancez un grand cri de détresse.

Un ennemi invisible s’est introduit dans la forteresse.

Hélas ! il a frappé durement et rapidement, tel un vent violent.

Hélas ! il se réjouit pour l’instant de son triomphe mirobolant.

Arbres de Soulédé, entonnez des chants funèbres.

Cailloux de Mbardam, portez la couleur des ténèbres.

Car le pionnier du poste agricole de Soulédé s’est évanoui,

Plongeant les cœurs éplorés de sa famille et de ses amis dans la nuit.  

Nuages de larmes, arrosez généreusement nos âmes.

Honorables lumières, veuillez cacher ce jour infâme.

Privez-le de l’éclat qui l’a vu naître d’un fils de Mbardam et d’une fille de Roua.

Effacez l’instant fatidique de son dernier soupir dans un hôpital de Maroua.

Papa, nous aurions voulu être à tes cotés au moment du grand voyage ;

Nous aurions souhaité te serrer dans nos bras sur le chemin des âges ;

Mais l’appel du Créateur en qui tu as cru était si pressant

Que tu t’en es allé sans attendre la mélodie de nos cœurs reconnaissants.

Tu fus pour nous un modèle d’ardeur au travail, de discipline, de courage,

De protection de l’environnement, de sagesse et d’amour sans barrage.

Ton investissement incontestable dans notre éducation

Depasse de loin les contours humains de l’appréciation.

Voici venu le temps de nous séparer pour un moment,

Au milieu de la désolation, de cris de douleur et de larmoiement.

Nos cœurs meurtris te disent : « nous nous reverrons un jour, va en paix papa,

Repose-toi dans les bras de celui qui te donna vie, passion et compas. »

Père Eternel, toi qui nous donnas notre père biologique,

Toi qui le repris en ton temps et dans ta divine logique,

Reçois la gloire qui te revient éternellement

Et daigne pardonner nos bégaiements.


Prof. Moussa Bongoyok

Californie (USA), le 8 Avril 2017

© Copyright by Moussa Bongoyok, 2017


English translation of the above poem:

Rocks of Mbouzao, utter a cry of distress.
An invisible enemy has entered the fortress.
Alas! He hit hard and fast, like a violent wind.
Alas! He rejoices for the moment in his triumph.
Trees of Soulede, sing funeral songs.
Stones of Mbardam, wear the color of darkness.
For the pioneer of the agricultural post of Soulede has vanished,
Plunging the tears of his family and friends into the night.
Clouds of tears, water our souls generously.
Honorable lights, please hide this infamous day.
Deprive it of the splendor which saw him born of a son of Mbardam and a daughter of Roua.
Eliminate the fateful moment of his last breath in a hospital in Maroua.
Dad, we would have liked to be by your side at the time of the great journey;
We would have liked to hold you in our arms on the way of the ages;
But the call of the Creator whom you believed was so urgent
That you have gone without waiting for the melody of our grateful hearts.
You were for us a model of ardor at work, of discipline, of courage,
Of protection of the environment, of wisdom and love without a dam.
Your incontestable investment in our education
Far exceeds the human contours of appreciation.
Here comes the time to part for a moment,
In the midst of desolation, cries of pain and tears.
Our bruised hearts say to you: « We shall meet again one day, go in peace dad,
Rest in the arms of the one who gave you life, passion and compass. »
Eternal Father, you who gave us our biological father,
You who took him back in your time and in your divine logic,
Receive the glory that belongs to you eternally
And deign to pardon our stuttering.

(c) copyright by Moussa Bongoyok, 2017



Conférence internationale sur la famille

Affiche  IUDI Conference 2016.jpgProgramme de la conference.jpg