Archive for the ‘exemple’ Category

LA CÔTE D’IVOIRE RÉAGIT: Excellent exemple de prise de position en faveur de la famille en contexte africain

Le REMEAF et Contributions africaines saluent la courageuse position des députés et des leaders religieux ivoiriens en faveur de la famille. Cet acte devrait inspirer les autres leaders du continent africain! Prière d’écouter l’audio ou de visualiser la vidéo ci-dessous.

REMEAF and Contributions Africaines salute the courageous position of Ivorian Members of Parliament and religious leaders in favor of the family. This act should inspire other leaders of the African continent!Please listen to the audio or view the video below

The Prayer of Habakkuk

  • In what ways COVID-19 has impacted the local economy and even spiritual life negatively?
  • What do we learn from Habakkuk in such challenging times and how do we apply these lessons to our individual and collective lives?
  • Joy must characterize the life of a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. If there is no joy in your daily life, please watch as there is certainly a spiritual leak. Ask yourself these diagnostic questions: Am I complaining often? Do I have the tendency to blame others for almost everything? Do I talk to myself negatively? Do I dwell in my past successes or failures? Do I resist to change? Do I want to please everybody (which by way is am impossible task)? Do I doubt God’s wonderful plan for my life? Do I neglect my Bible study, church attendance, and prayer life? I am hiding to commit sin or life my life like an ungodly person without a respectful fear of God? Am I jealous? Am I envious? Am I afraid of what will happen to me given my current life circumstances? Bring these issues to the Lord in prayer and your will enjoy His peace and joy.
  • Prof. Moussa Bongoyok

Kwame Nkrumah – Revue Philosophique Bantu -Septembre 2021 No 5

« Kwame Nkrumah nous attire depuis notre jeunesse. Ses écrits philosophiques et ses actions politiques continuent de nourrir la conscience philosophique et la politique africaine. En parcourant quelques ouvrages et thèses universitaires consacrés à Nkrumah, nous sommes surpris de constater qu’on le réduit souvent à sa dimension politique d’anti-néocolonia- liste et de Panafricaniste. Or, Nkrumah est d’abord et avant tout un philosophe. C’est à partir de la philosophie qu’il pense la politique de la libération, de la construction et du développement des États-Unis d’Afrique. On ne peut donc pas com- prendre ses théories et sa pratique politiques sans passer par la connaissance de son architectonique philosophique. » Prof. Daniel DIA MBWANGI DIAFWILA, Vice-Président chargé des relations internationales et de la coopération académique au sein de l’Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI)

Andragogie pour la cohabitation pacifique et developpement holistique -5e Conference internationale des leaders *** Andragogy for Pacific Cohabitation and Holistic Development – 5th International Conference of leaders

Report from the 5th International Conference on Andragogy for Peaceful Cohabitation and Holistic Development in Cameroon


Pasteur René DAIDANSO

Living like a millionaire with a dollar a day: a tribute to a spiritual giant

When our tears lose their vocabulary,

When our loss frightens the ordinary,

When any type of paper runs from ink,

When the boat of our joy wants to sink,

Lord, we will still praise you.


Truly we miss our father Jack Murray.

Emptiness is coloring everything with fury

Two types of tears gain in altitude:

Tears of sorrow and tears of gratitude.

Lord, show us what to do.


The architect of the Francophone University,

Has silently vacated the city.

The Board conference room is weeping.

Diplomas and awards are sleeping.

Is this an academic coup?


He was an excellent mentor.

He was a living bookstore.

He was a friend always on our side

When life pushed us aside.

His heart was always true.


Jack embraced the universe.

He welcomed the diverse.

He always had a word of prayer

For anyone finding life hard to bear

And for those who are thriving too.


He lived like a millionaire

With a dollar a day.

He gave like a billionaire

With joy in every way.

Your servant truly honored you.


Lord, teach us how to catch Jack’s passion

For spiritual generosity without ration.

Move all the fibers of our soul,

In the direction of Your scroll,

Never again to say adieu.


Moussa Bongoyok with Jim and Nancy Kyser, and Fred and Marjorie Krauss.

Half Moon Bay, California (USA),  May the 25th 2018


Rev. John (Jack) M. Murray (1928-2018) was the former General Director of European Christian Mission and first Chairman of the Board of directors for the Francophone University of International Development (FUID)/ Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI).

(c) Copyright by Moussa Bongoyok, 2018.


Jack 3


Lutte contre la désertification