Archive for the ‘pays pauvres’ Category

Valorisation des langues africaines au service du développement durable

L’Afrique est riche en valeurs culturelles et linguistiques. Elle compte en son sein 2 154 langues. Malheureusement, l’anglais, le français, l’arabe, le portugais et l’espagnol dominent encore le paysage académique, plus de soixante ans après l’indépendance. Que faire pour changer la donne ? L’Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI) est convaincu que le développement du continent africain passe inéluctablement par la valorisation des langues et cultures africaines. Or, sur ce terrain, et malgré les imperfections relevées çà et là, les missionnaires chrétiens ont fait un excellent travail développant des alphabets pour des langues africaines en rédigeant des livres et brochures utiles pour l’enseignement, la santé publique, la formation professionnelle. En collaboration avec des Africains, ils ont aussi appris nos langues et traduit la Bible ou des portions des Saintes Ecritures dans diverses langues du terroir. Il revient à la nouvelle génération d’Africains, sans aucune discrimination religieuse ou ethnique, d’évaluer le chemin parcouru et de bâtir là-dessus pour redonner aux langues africaines ses lettres de noblesse de la maternelle jusqu’au niveau de l’enseignement supérieur. Un Bantou, par exemple, devrait être en mesure de soutenir sa thèse de doctorat en langue bantoue sans transiter par une langue étrangère. L’IUDI s’y attelle et exige déjà que ses étudiants et étudiantes rédigent les résumés de leurs mémoires et thèses dans leurs langues maternelles.  Bien plus encore, il travaille avec ses agences d’accréditation pour que, dans un proche avenir, la rédaction des mémoires et des thèses puisse aussi se faire dans les langues africaines, pourvu que les membres du jury aient les qualifications académiques nécessaires et soient en mesure de lire, comprendre et évaluer le travail en question.

Mais, l’IUDI ne veut pas s’enfermer dans le silo académique puisqu’il se veut aussi un mouvement de développement transformationnel. Or, la religion et la langue jouent un rôle incontournable dans le développement durable. Aussi l’IUDI lance-t-il un concours annuel de lecture et de mémorisation de textes rédigés ou traduits dans les langues africaines. Un avis formel de concours sera annoncé très prochainement sur Contributions Africaines. En attendant, veuillez affûter vos talents linguistiques. Ci-dessous, le Président de l’IUDI donne l’exemple en lisant le 1er chapitre du livre de Proverbes en mafa.  

L’Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI)

University of International Development

Africa is rich in cultural and linguistic values. It has 2,154 languages. Unfortunately, English, French, Arabic, Portuguese, and Spanish dominate the African academic landscape more than 60 years after independence. What can fellow Africans do to change the situation? The University Institute for International Development (IUDI) thinks that the development of the African continent inevitably requires the enhancement of African languages and cultures. However, in this field, and despite the imperfections noted here and there, Christian missionaries have done an excellent job developing alphabets for African languages and translating books and pamphlets useful for teaching, public health, vocational training, and translating the Bible or portions of the Bible into various local languages. It is up to the new generation of Africans, without any religious or ethnic discrimination, to assess the progress made and build on it to restore African languages to their former glory from kindergarten to higher education. A Bantu, for example, should defend his doctoral thesis in the Bantu language without going through a foreign language. IUDI is aiming at it. It already requires its students to write abstracts of their dissertations and theses in their mother tongues. Much more, it works with its accreditation agencies so that, soon, students will have the option of writing their dissertations, and theses can in any African language, provided that the jury members have the necessary academic qualifications and can read, understand, and understand and evaluate the work in question.

Nevertheless, IUDI does not want to lock itself into the academic silo since it wants to be a transformational development movement. Religion plays an essential role in sustainable development. It, therefore, launches an annual competition for reading and memorizing texts written or translated into African languages. A formal notice of competition will be announced very soon on Contributions Africaines. In the meantime, please each African is kindly requested to hone his or her language skills. Below, the IUDI President sets an example by reading the 1st chapter of Proverbs in the Mafa language.

The University Institute for International Development (IUDI) University of International Development

Prof. Moussa Bongoyok

Amour du prochain: SEL-France


Ceci est une prière composée et chantée par Priscille et Moussa Bongoyok en langue mofa (ou Mafa), langue parlée par les Mafa, pour implorer la grâce divine sur l’humanité en ce temps de pandémie du coronavirus. Ce chant a été exécuté au rythme de Ganzavar (harpe traditionnelle Mafa) dans le comté de Los Angeles en Californie (aux Etats-Unis) le 30 Mars 2020 à 18h57, heure locale.

This is a prayer composed and sung by Priscilla and Moussa Bongoyok in the Mofa (or Mafa) language, language of the Mafa people group, to implore divine grace on humanity in this time of the Coronavirus pandemic. This song was performed to the rhythm of Ganzavar (a Mafa traditional harp) in the Los Angeles county in California (in the United States) on March 30, 2020 at 6:57 pm local time.

WHO WILL LIVE FOR THOSE WHO NO LONGER HAVE HEADS? A shout in the desert of International Community

You didn’t hear… or did you hide willingly under the bed of abstraction?

Maybe you did hear about Boko Haram and other terrorist movements in action…

But, you see, your geography professor told you as did your musician,

With all the calm and seriousness of an academician,

That Kousseri, Maroua, Mora, Tourou, Moskota, Koza, Ouzal, Mozogo,

And other localities or infrahuman countries must go,

Because their humanity index is so low, and,

They are located on an unknown planet, the land of tomorrow.

Why worry about the future

While one calmly drinks today’s culture?


Maybe you didn’t see what is happening on social media as your soul became a taro…

Because, above all, you must set your economic priorities right to beat the antihero

And accumulate as much power and things as you can carry in your empty barrow.

Your business professor told you so, with his academic sombrero.

Your financial advisor is such a genius so different from the harrow

That you gather things, things and more things, and the great dinero.

You eat power, power and more power over bones without a marrow.

Aren’t they mere keys to your success today and tomorrow?

Your eyes can’t see while you dream to be the next pharaoh

And, after all, your neighbor is just a dried arrow!


Who will cry for those who no longer have heads?

Who will become a shelter for those who no longer have beds?

Who will eat for those who can no longer smell the odor of fresh breads?

Who will bring joyous colors to lives painted in multiple reds?

Who will tell Europe, America, Asia and others, that Boko Haram spreads

Faster and deeper than the swiftest fighters and meds?

Who will act? Who will dig? Who will lovingly address the roots

Instead of relying solely on boots?


Oh! I wish you and I were the recovered triumphant shouts of the voiceless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the beautiful tears of the tearless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the real wealth of the resourceless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the reconstructed ramparts of the powerless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the regained smiles of the hopeless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the lost but found face of the faceless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the living image of the divine rock for the baseless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the real value of lives so priceless!

Regardless of our religious backgrounds, we are all humans;

Would you and I actively navigate against the currents and stop treating others as subhumans?


Moussa Bongoyok, PhD

Professor of Intercultural Studies and Holistic Development

President of Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI)

Andragogie pour la cohabitation pacifique et developpement holistique -5e Conference internationale des leaders *** Andragogy for Pacific Cohabitation and Holistic Development – 5th International Conference of leaders

Report from the 5th International Conference on Andragogy for Peaceful Cohabitation and Holistic Development in Cameroon


The Eden projects-Madagascar

Which countries are taking off in Africa?

Musique du terroir