Archive for the ‘Love’ Category


Today is a special day for Christianity. Many non-Christians have also adopted Christmas out of solidarity or for personal convenience. It, therefore, seems appropriate to us to stimulate reflection on the deep meaning of this festival and its impact on humanity in the light of Luke 2:13-14: « Suddenly, a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God, and saying, « Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests. » (NIV)

These words follow the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and his solemn announcement to the shepherds who tended their flocks in the vicinity of Bethlehem. It was at night. The timing could not be better to announce the birth of the Light of the world. However, the symbol does not stop there because the choice of shepherds seems highly disconcerting. Indeed, the shepherds did not have a good reputation at that time. People perceived them as dirty, dishonest, and unreliable. They were, therefore, on the margins of society. But curiously, it is on them and not on the political authorities, the religious leaders, or the business men and women that the choice of God falls to have the scoop of this announcement as exceptional as it is. But what is the deep meaning of this divine strategy?

The hermeneutical key seems to reside in the two fundamental concepts: « glory » and « peace ». Although the original text is in Greek, the terms dóxa (glory) and eirênê (peace) naturally refer to Hebrew realities because the first listeners were Jews. Thus, the glory does not only translate the external beauty and the excellence of the divine nature. It also reflects the Hebrew term kavod, which means « glory, honor, respect, distinction, and importance. » Thus, beyond the aesthetic dimension, the divine majesty is so immense that its weight is terrifying. As a result, human norms and conventions crumble like a house of cards before divine glory, giving shepherds the same value in the eyes of God as any other individual in society. The reasoning is simple: everybody is welcome since even marginalized people are now valued. Christmas is good news for everyone, without any discrimination. What about the second concept?

Here too, it would be aberrant to see in peace mentioned in this text the notion of absence of war and conflict conferred by the etymological meaning of this term in Greek. Instead, this word is deeply rooted in the Jewish cultural and religious context. Thus, « peace » refers to the Hebrew term shalom. It confers the idea of harmony in all dimensions of the human condition. It is harmony with God, with oneself, with one’s fellow beings, with one’s activities, and with one’s environment. In short, it is holistic well-being. At Christmas, God announces to humanity the solution to the multidimensional imbalance caused by the fall in the Garden of Eden. Through Christ, God is interested in spiritual, physical, psychological, social, economic, environmental, and integral welfare of His creatures. It is also under this holistic paradigm that the Lord Jesus placed his ministry through reading the passage from the book of Isaiah, which relates to it in detail (cf. Luke 4:16-19 and Isaiah 61:1 -2 [old Greek version]). Thus, the shepherds have become agents of integral transformation. They promptly assumed this responsibility, spreading the good news in their immediate surroundings (cf. Luke 2:16-20). We then understand that if the outcast can be catalysts for holistic peace, those with a more honorable social position can do it more.

Therefore, this profound message has a broader scope than a superficial reading of the text! The fact that the text is available today, even translated into multiple languages and within reach of the contemporary public, challenges us all. To celebrate Christmas in the spirit of the biblical story is to go beyond the peripheral, material, commercial or worldly dimensions to live the values it contains. As former US President John Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) so aptly said, « Christmas is not a day or a season; it’s a state of mind. »  Beyond Christmas’s lively and temporal character, human beings may draw from the depth of their relationship with the Creator of the universe and everything within it to be an instrument of peace in all its dimensions. In so doing, the world would be a better place to live. May it please the Lord to grant us the courage, wisdom, strength, and perseverance to be ambassadors of shalom, in words and deeds, in a world plagued by hostile forces and violence in its many forms!

Prof. Moussa Bongoyok

Christmas 2022



Loving Your Neighbor in the Covid-19 Epidemic / Aimer votre prochain pendant la pandémie de COVID-19

Useful and strongly recommended documents written by Timothy Leadership Training (TLT) – Documents utiles et vivement recommandés et conçus par le Projet Timothée.


Please click on the link below to read the English version of the document

Loving Your Neighbor in the Covid-19 Epidemic 4-12-2020 


Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour le document en français

Loving Your Neighbor in the Covid-19 Epidemic – French



Sages Conseils de Martin Luther pendant la peste noire en Europe, au 16e siècle

« Je demanderai à Dieu par miséricorde de nous protéger. Ensuite, je vais enfumer, pour aider à purifier l’air, donner des médicaments et les prendre. J’éviterai les lieux, et les personnes, où ma présence n’est pas nécessaire pour ne pas être contaminé et aussi infliger et affecter les autres, pour ne pas causer leur mort par suite de ma négligence. Si Dieu veut me prendre, il me trouvera sûrement et j’aurai fait ce qu’il attendait de moi, sans être responsable ni de ma propre mort ni de la mort des autres. Si mon voisin a besoin de moi, je n’éviterai ni lieu ni personne, mais j’irai librement comme indiqué ci-dessus. Voyez, c’est une telle foi qui craint Dieu parce qu’elle n’est ni impétueuse ni téméraire et ne tente pas Dieu. » Martin Luther

Source : Œuvres de Luther Volume 43 p. 132 la lettre « Que l’on puisse fuir une peste mortelle » écrite au révérend Dr. John Hess.


WHO WILL LIVE FOR THOSE WHO NO LONGER HAVE HEADS? A shout in the desert of International Community

You didn’t hear… or did you hide willingly under the bed of abstraction?

Maybe you did hear about Boko Haram and other terrorist movements in action…

But, you see, your geography professor told you as did your musician,

With all the calm and seriousness of an academician,

That Kousseri, Maroua, Mora, Tourou, Moskota, Koza, Ouzal, Mozogo,

And other localities or infrahuman countries must go,

Because their humanity index is so low, and,

They are located on an unknown planet, the land of tomorrow.

Why worry about the future

While one calmly drinks today’s culture?


Maybe you didn’t see what is happening on social media as your soul became a taro…

Because, above all, you must set your economic priorities right to beat the antihero

And accumulate as much power and things as you can carry in your empty barrow.

Your business professor told you so, with his academic sombrero.

Your financial advisor is such a genius so different from the harrow

That you gather things, things and more things, and the great dinero.

You eat power, power and more power over bones without a marrow.

Aren’t they mere keys to your success today and tomorrow?

Your eyes can’t see while you dream to be the next pharaoh

And, after all, your neighbor is just a dried arrow!


Who will cry for those who no longer have heads?

Who will become a shelter for those who no longer have beds?

Who will eat for those who can no longer smell the odor of fresh breads?

Who will bring joyous colors to lives painted in multiple reds?

Who will tell Europe, America, Asia and others, that Boko Haram spreads

Faster and deeper than the swiftest fighters and meds?

Who will act? Who will dig? Who will lovingly address the roots

Instead of relying solely on boots?


Oh! I wish you and I were the recovered triumphant shouts of the voiceless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the beautiful tears of the tearless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the real wealth of the resourceless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the reconstructed ramparts of the powerless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the regained smiles of the hopeless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the lost but found face of the faceless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the living image of the divine rock for the baseless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the real value of lives so priceless!

Regardless of our religious backgrounds, we are all humans;

Would you and I actively navigate against the currents and stop treating others as subhumans?


Moussa Bongoyok, PhD

Professor of Intercultural Studies and Holistic Development

President of Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI)

Family in the African context



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If you want to enroll, please contact us at comm[at] (please replace [at] with @)

Adoration sincère – Alain Moloto

Sosi ngaya a Yesu- Thank you Jesus- Mafa Music


Thank you, Jesus, Thank you

You are the King of kings

Alpha and Omega

The Morning Star

The Way

The Prince of Peace

The Father of Grace

The Truth

The Eternal Life

The Good Shepherd

The Bread of Life

The Source of living water

You opened the eyes of Bartimaeus

You healed the man with leprosy

You give life

Give me your wisdom

Lead me

Watch over your Church

Watch over our family

We give you all our hearts

We give you all our life

Rule over it…

Merci, Jésus, merci

Tu es le Roi des rois

Tu es Alpha et Omega (le Commencement et la fin)

L’Etoile du matin

Le Chemin

Le Prince de la Paix

Le Père de la grâce

La Vérité

La Vie éternelle

Le Bon berger

Le Pain de la vie

La Source d’eau vive

Tu as ouvert les yeux de Bartimée

Tu as guéri le lépreux

Tu donnes la vie

Donne-moi ta sagesse


Veille sur ton Eglise

Veille sur notre famille

Nous te donnons entièrement nos cœurs

Nous te donnons notre vie entière

Règne là-dessus …

Musique et paroles:  Pr Moussa Bongoyok

(c) copyright by Moussa Bongoyok, 2017

Adieu papa –Poème en hommage au papa Bongoyok Djengai


Notre père, Bongoyok Djengai, a été promu en gloire le 7 Avril 2017  à Maroua des suites d’une courte maladie.

Rochers de Mbouzao, lancez un grand cri de détresse.

Un ennemi invisible s’est introduit dans la forteresse.

Hélas ! il a frappé durement et rapidement, tel un vent violent.

Hélas ! il se réjouit pour l’instant de son triomphe mirobolant.

Arbres de Soulédé, entonnez des chants funèbres.

Cailloux de Mbardam, portez la couleur des ténèbres.

Car le pionnier du poste agricole de Soulédé s’est évanoui,

Plongeant les cœurs éplorés de sa famille et de ses amis dans la nuit.  

Nuages de larmes, arrosez généreusement nos âmes.

Honorables lumières, veuillez cacher ce jour infâme.

Privez-le de l’éclat qui l’a vu naître d’un fils de Mbardam et d’une fille de Roua.

Effacez l’instant fatidique de son dernier soupir dans un hôpital de Maroua.

Papa, nous aurions voulu être à tes cotés au moment du grand voyage ;

Nous aurions souhaité te serrer dans nos bras sur le chemin des âges ;

Mais l’appel du Créateur en qui tu as cru était si pressant

Que tu t’en es allé sans attendre la mélodie de nos cœurs reconnaissants.

Tu fus pour nous un modèle d’ardeur au travail, de discipline, de courage,

De protection de l’environnement, de sagesse et d’amour sans barrage.

Ton investissement incontestable dans notre éducation

Depasse de loin les contours humains de l’appréciation.

Voici venu le temps de nous séparer pour un moment,

Au milieu de la désolation, de cris de douleur et de larmoiement.

Nos cœurs meurtris te disent : « nous nous reverrons un jour, va en paix papa,

Repose-toi dans les bras de celui qui te donna vie, passion et compas. »

Père Eternel, toi qui nous donnas notre père biologique,

Toi qui le repris en ton temps et dans ta divine logique,

Reçois la gloire qui te revient éternellement

Et daigne pardonner nos bégaiements.


Prof. Moussa Bongoyok

Californie (USA), le 8 Avril 2017

© Copyright by Moussa Bongoyok, 2017


English translation of the above poem:

Rocks of Mbouzao, utter a cry of distress.
An invisible enemy has entered the fortress.
Alas! He hit hard and fast, like a violent wind.
Alas! He rejoices for the moment in his triumph.
Trees of Soulede, sing funeral songs.
Stones of Mbardam, wear the color of darkness.
For the pioneer of the agricultural post of Soulede has vanished,
Plunging the tears of his family and friends into the night.
Clouds of tears, water our souls generously.
Honorable lights, please hide this infamous day.
Deprive it of the splendor which saw him born of a son of Mbardam and a daughter of Roua.
Eliminate the fateful moment of his last breath in a hospital in Maroua.
Dad, we would have liked to be by your side at the time of the great journey;
We would have liked to hold you in our arms on the way of the ages;
But the call of the Creator whom you believed was so urgent
That you have gone without waiting for the melody of our grateful hearts.
You were for us a model of ardor at work, of discipline, of courage,
Of protection of the environment, of wisdom and love without a dam.
Your incontestable investment in our education
Far exceeds the human contours of appreciation.
Here comes the time to part for a moment,
In the midst of desolation, cries of pain and tears.
Our bruised hearts say to you: « We shall meet again one day, go in peace dad,
Rest in the arms of the one who gave you life, passion and compass. »
Eternal Father, you who gave us our biological father,
You who took him back in your time and in your divine logic,
Receive the glory that belongs to you eternally
And deign to pardon our stuttering.

(c) copyright by Moussa Bongoyok, 2017
