Archive for the ‘éducation’ Category


Nouvelles de quelques etudiants de l’IUDI pendant la pandemie du COVID-19

Ceci est enregistrement vidéo de la séance zoom tenue le 13 Avril 2020 de 19h-21h, heure d’Afrique Centrale, dans le cadre d’une rencontre informelle  avec les étudiants de l’Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI) et sous la direction du Professeur Moussa Bongoyok.

This is a video of the zoom session held on April 13 2020 from 7pm to 9pm, Central African Time, as part of an informal meeting with students from the Institut Universitaire de Développement International (University Institute of International Development) and under the leadership of Professor Moussa Bongoyok.

Trusted Resources for Churches from Leading Experts – Ressources fiables pour les Eglises de la part des Experts

Voici un website utile pour les leaders des Eglises pris dans le tourbillon du coronavirus.

Below is a helpful website for Church leaders dealing with coronavirus crisis.

Voici un document utile

Préparer votre
Église face au



Standards Internationaux Communs pour la pratique du développement communautaire

Voici les standards internationaux pour la pratique du développement communautaire:



Cliquer pour accéder à IACD_27-Standards-Guidance-May-2018_French_V4.pdf

Sages Conseils de Martin Luther pendant la peste noire en Europe, au 16e siècle

« Je demanderai à Dieu par miséricorde de nous protéger. Ensuite, je vais enfumer, pour aider à purifier l’air, donner des médicaments et les prendre. J’éviterai les lieux, et les personnes, où ma présence n’est pas nécessaire pour ne pas être contaminé et aussi infliger et affecter les autres, pour ne pas causer leur mort par suite de ma négligence. Si Dieu veut me prendre, il me trouvera sûrement et j’aurai fait ce qu’il attendait de moi, sans être responsable ni de ma propre mort ni de la mort des autres. Si mon voisin a besoin de moi, je n’éviterai ni lieu ni personne, mais j’irai librement comme indiqué ci-dessus. Voyez, c’est une telle foi qui craint Dieu parce qu’elle n’est ni impétueuse ni téméraire et ne tente pas Dieu. » Martin Luther

Source : Œuvres de Luther Volume 43 p. 132 la lettre « Que l’on puisse fuir une peste mortelle » écrite au révérend Dr. John Hess.



Coronavirus is a call to return to God. Please read the excellent article on spiritual implications of the current pandemic below and watch the videos that expands on practical considerations.
Coronavirus est une invitation à renouer avec Dieu. Veuillez lire l’excellent article ci-dessous sur les implications spirituelles de la pandémie actuelle et visualiser les vidéos qui se penchent sur les considerations pratiques.

The Coronavirus Is a Call to Return to God



A Conversation with Condoleezza Rice

Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous

Please click on the link below

A Conversation with Condi 2020 on Vimeo

WHO WILL LIVE FOR THOSE WHO NO LONGER HAVE HEADS? A shout in the desert of International Community

You didn’t hear… or did you hide willingly under the bed of abstraction?

Maybe you did hear about Boko Haram and other terrorist movements in action…

But, you see, your geography professor told you as did your musician,

With all the calm and seriousness of an academician,

That Kousseri, Maroua, Mora, Tourou, Moskota, Koza, Ouzal, Mozogo,

And other localities or infrahuman countries must go,

Because their humanity index is so low, and,

They are located on an unknown planet, the land of tomorrow.

Why worry about the future

While one calmly drinks today’s culture?


Maybe you didn’t see what is happening on social media as your soul became a taro…

Because, above all, you must set your economic priorities right to beat the antihero

And accumulate as much power and things as you can carry in your empty barrow.

Your business professor told you so, with his academic sombrero.

Your financial advisor is such a genius so different from the harrow

That you gather things, things and more things, and the great dinero.

You eat power, power and more power over bones without a marrow.

Aren’t they mere keys to your success today and tomorrow?

Your eyes can’t see while you dream to be the next pharaoh

And, after all, your neighbor is just a dried arrow!


Who will cry for those who no longer have heads?

Who will become a shelter for those who no longer have beds?

Who will eat for those who can no longer smell the odor of fresh breads?

Who will bring joyous colors to lives painted in multiple reds?

Who will tell Europe, America, Asia and others, that Boko Haram spreads

Faster and deeper than the swiftest fighters and meds?

Who will act? Who will dig? Who will lovingly address the roots

Instead of relying solely on boots?


Oh! I wish you and I were the recovered triumphant shouts of the voiceless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the beautiful tears of the tearless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the real wealth of the resourceless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the reconstructed ramparts of the powerless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the regained smiles of the hopeless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the lost but found face of the faceless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the living image of the divine rock for the baseless!

Oh! I wish you and I were the real value of lives so priceless!

Regardless of our religious backgrounds, we are all humans;

Would you and I actively navigate against the currents and stop treating others as subhumans?


Moussa Bongoyok, PhD

Professor of Intercultural Studies and Holistic Development

President of Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI)

Quelques expressions et quelques animaux en mofa, la langue des Mafa

Andragogie pour la cohabitation pacifique et developpement holistique -5e Conference internationale des leaders *** Andragogy for Pacific Cohabitation and Holistic Development – 5th International Conference of leaders

Report from the 5th International Conference on Andragogy for Peaceful Cohabitation and Holistic Development in Cameroon