Archive for the ‘Devéloppement communautaire’ Category

The Determinants of the Low COVID-19 Transmission and Mortality Rates in Africa: A Cross-Country Analysis

This is an interesting study. The authors are: Yagai Bouba, Emmanuel Kagning Tsinda, Maxime Descartes Mbogning Fonkou, Gideon Sadikiel Mmbando, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi and Jude Dzevela Kong. Here is their conclusion:

« In the present study, we found that in Africa, the clinical conditions and health system capacity were predictors of both COVID-19 transmission and fatality, while socio-economic indices were associated only with the risk of COVID-19 transmission. This study complements and adds to the existing studies investigating the possible reasons for the low rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths in Africa and offering a broader picture at the continent level. »

« Our results emphasize the need for Africa to strengthen its overall health system capacity to efficiently detect and respond to COVID-19, as well as to potential future pandemics and outbreaks. Further studies based on the data collected at an individual level are warranted to confirm these observations. Moreover, for a better understanding of COVID- 19 epidemiology across the continent, such studies should also consider the SARS-CoV-2 viral diversity. »

Kwame Nkrumah – Revue Philosophique Bantu -Septembre 2021 No 5

« Kwame Nkrumah nous attire depuis notre jeunesse. Ses écrits philosophiques et ses actions politiques continuent de nourrir la conscience philosophique et la politique africaine. En parcourant quelques ouvrages et thèses universitaires consacrés à Nkrumah, nous sommes surpris de constater qu’on le réduit souvent à sa dimension politique d’anti-néocolonia- liste et de Panafricaniste. Or, Nkrumah est d’abord et avant tout un philosophe. C’est à partir de la philosophie qu’il pense la politique de la libération, de la construction et du développement des États-Unis d’Afrique. On ne peut donc pas com- prendre ses théories et sa pratique politiques sans passer par la connaissance de son architectonique philosophique. » Prof. Daniel DIA MBWANGI DIAFWILA, Vice-Président chargé des relations internationales et de la coopération académique au sein de l’Institut Universitaire de Développement International (IUDI)

The use of kuley in resolving land disputes among the Mofu in Cameroon

This article examines ancestral worship in the resolution of land disputes among the Mofu community in the Mandara Mountains of far North Cameroon. Since the return of migrants from major metropolis that began in the 1990s, customary courts are now limited in the management of these disputes, as traditional leaders increasingly favor the party that paid well in conflict resolution.  It is disputes that divide the society into the descendants of slave-free men, elder-younger siblings, blacksmiths-no-blacksmiths, nephews-uncles, and clan-chieftaincy. The disputes’ questioning is brought in front of the village chiefdom for the legitimate plot owner to have recourse to the ancestral spirits, kuley, with the aim of unveiling the truth. The collection of information from the custodians of tradition underscores the undeniable role played by the ordeal in revealing the truth on land issues in a society where corruption is gradually gaining grounds in customary jurisdictions.

Keywords: Ancestral worship, sacrificial pot, customary courts, Land disputes, Mofu, Mandara Mountains, and Cameroon.

Le Dr Paul Kammogne FOKAM: Un modèle pour ceux et celles qui veulent lutter contre la pauvreté en Afrique

Le Dr Paul Kammogne FOKAM est l’un des géants du continent africain dans le domaine économique. Il mérite l’attention de quiconque veut véritablement lutter contre la pauvreté en Afrique.

Dr Paul Kammogne FOKAM is one of the giants of the African continent in the economic field. He deserves the attention of anyone who is serious about fighting poverty in Africa.

Credit: Vox Africa

Original link:

Orality in African Context: Learning Style & Pedagogy 

Amour du prochain: SEL-France

La pauvreté en Afrique: Causes réelles, effets pervers et stratégie de riposte en contexte camerounais

GREAT IDEA: Growing Sweet Potato in a garden – EXCELLENTE IDEE – Cultiver de la patate douce dans un jardin


Excellents modèles de protection de l’environnement et de développement durable à vulgariser sur le continent africain

Excellent models of environmental protection and sustainable development to be popularized on the African continent

Les arbres qui apportent la pluie GIZ Extrême-Nord Cameroun


Yacouba Sawadogo, l’homme qui a arrété le désert


La maison du paysan



Source: et

Ecological Organic Agriculture Development in Tanzania


HELE Solange: Call for unity, love, and the preservation of cultural values – Appel à l’unité, à l’amour et à la conservation des valeurs culturelles

Chant composé et exécuté par HELE Solange à l’attention du peuple Mafa. 
Song composed and performed by HELE Solange for the attention of the Mafa people.